More Than Grammar

and Vocabulary: 

Elementary Biblical Hebrew Consultation

Context Matters Services goes beyond simply teaching Hebrew. It delves into the cultural context, historical setting, and literary devices woven into the biblical narrative. Through engaging consultations and interactive workshops, Pastor Gabriel Luigi C. Bautista, a passionate educator and experienced guide, equips learners with the tools to:



  • Uncover the hidden meanings and nuances embedded within the Hebrew words.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural context that shaped the biblical message.
  • Draw connections between the original language and contemporary interpretations.
  • Develop critical thinking skills for analyzing and interpreting Scripture.

Tailored Learning for Diverse Learners:

Context Matters caters to a broad spectrum of learners, from curious beginners to seasoned theologians seeking to refine their understanding. Whether you're a pastor seeking to enrich your sermons, a student delving into biblical history, or simply an individual fascinated by ancient cultures, Elementary Biblical Hebrew Consultation and Koine Greek Lessons offers a personalized learning path.